The Adventures of J.Blaze

Lean wit it, Rock wit it

Monday, August 23, 2004

Lil Jon costume ; Gas up and Gospel

Lil Jon costume idea

While at my annual dentist check-up/cleaning appointment (I have no cavities, yes!), I thought about a funny thing to do at Halloween. What if I dress up as Lil Jon (lots of bling, dreads, gold fronts, a diamond encrusted goblet) and go around the neighborhood for trick of treating. Hehe, I could scare all the white people with my sayings like: Yeah!!!!!!!!! or OKKKKKKKKK or WHATTTTTT or Lemme See You Get Low or Down these females Crawl or Skeet Skeet Skeet.

Gas up and Gospel

Source: L.A. Times

Hear 1 Corinthians, get 87 octane.

In an effort to get people — figuratively and literally — pumped for Christ, the Main Place Christian Fellowship offered $1.67-a-gallon gasoline at a Tustin service station Saturday, 40 cents off the regular price.The catch? There really wasn't one. Church members in matching yellow shirts handed out bottled water, wiped windows and passed out literature as motorists waited at the Shell station at Red Hill Avenue and El Camino Real. They said the subsidized gas campaign is a way to spread the word while promoting their 500-plus-member church.

"Galatians 6:10 says 'Do good to all men,' " volunteer Wendy Perlin said, a stack of Gospel of John booklets in her hands. "And all men and women go to the gas station. It's just a way to bless the community."

*GFC should subsidize metrocard passes or meals hehe.


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