The Adventures of J.Blaze

Lean wit it, Rock wit it

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Stop the insanity!!!!!!!

Stop the insanity.....

I work with 4 female co-workers and my director is a female too. Lets just say, I get a daily dose of female talk within the confines of our cublicles. This morning took the cake. My female co-worker who sits next to me is a 32 year old single woman. She was talking to her 34 year old female co-worker, married and has kids.

Single woman: I think my parents will totally support me going to sperm bank and doing "it" that way.

Married woman: Haha. Really?

Single woman: Yeah, much more than asking one of my male friends, yo hook me up with some.

Me: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! [running out the office]

Lets just say after endless times of hearing my co-worker bitch and complain about not finding the right guy, she has resorted to such comments like this! Maybe she should loosen up and not PMS every other day. Its like night and day with her. One day she is nice, other she is bitchy! She needs to stop drinking that Diet Pepsi every morning, I think her female organs have been dissolved with all the phosphoric acid she consumed.

And there is the other co-worker, married Chinese woman who grew up from China.

China co-worker: are you married?

me: I am 22.

China co-worker: So?

me: ........


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