The Adventures of J.Blaze

Lean wit it, Rock wit it

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The return

I've gone back and forth like John Kerry between xanga and blogger. However, I think I settled on writing on blogger because I like the sophisticated blogging tools. In addition, xanga is not really recognized like a blog, but more of a myspace, a forum for popularity of sorts.

I would find more freedom here on blogger, more of a license to say things that normally I would not be able to say on my xanga, per se that there will be people who would IM me and say thats not PC or you are corrupting the kids.

So I raise a glass of cold milk, cheers!


  • At 3:21 PM, Blogger amr said…

    you're back!

  • At 2:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    man.. stop bashing john kerry haha


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