The Adventures of J.Blaze

Lean wit it, Rock wit it

Tuesday, July 27, 2004


So today, I tried to get a quick breakfast by microwaving an hard boiled egg from the my workplace's cafeteria.  Being that it was cold, I wanted to warm it up.  I pushed the :30 button, expecting that would be the optimal time for a good egg temperature.  As I was waiting and watching CNN on the cafe's plasma tv, I heard an explosion in the microwave.  Apparently, the egg exploded into bits and pieces.  I was going to walk out of there like nothing happened, but instead I cleaned it up and went back to my cubicle.  Now I am hungry...So the lesson of the day kids is do not heat your hard boiled eggs for more than 20 seconds or risk losing your egg.  The yolk's on you!! harharhar


After the bball game, I managed to catch Bill Clinton's speech at Democratic Convention.  If public speaking was a sport, Bill Clinton would be the Michael Jordan of speech making.  His political oratory, never condemning the Republicans and always focusing on uplifting the credibility of John Kerry, impressed the people there and the media.  This morning, every news commentator was saying his speech was the speech to beat and that John Kerry had to make the speech of his life.

I hope all you guys vote!  Its really important because we are at a turning point in this country where our own safety is more than ever, the precedent issue.

"Strength and wisdom are not opposing values" - Bill Clinton


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